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Volunteering at FLAC

Our organisation is completely run by volunteers. Each week about 60 parent volunteers are required to run the centre and programs. There are a number of different roles that are required to be filled in order for our club to run efficiently and continue operating. Some roles only require a couple of hours assistance at the weekly event meets, and others ask for a commitment across the entire season. 


We appreciate your assistance in volunteering, whether is be a big or small commitment. And your kids will appreciate seeing you taking an active role and interest in their sport.

Event Support Roles

These are duties that you sign up for through SignUp Genius or on the Duty Sign Up sheet that can be found under the window outside the pavillon. We keep track of duties performed so it is important that you let the Duty Manager know that you have completed a duty so that they can mark you off. Families choosing to help out this way must complete at least 6 duties for the season. Training and assistance will be provided where required. Duties include-

  • Age Group Manager assistant

  • BBQ helper

  • Canteen helper

  • Timing helper

  • Equipment set up

  • Equipment pack up


Core Support Roles

These are roles that you would perform for the entire season, usually from October to March. Training and assistance will be provided where required. These are the roles that are needed "on field" each week-


  • Registrar

  • Officials Co-ordinator

  • Track & Field Co-ordinator

  • Cross Country Co-ordinator (required in the winter season April to August)

  • Equipment Manager

  • Results & Records Manager

  • Timing Manager

  • Canteen Manager

  • BBQ Manager

  • Photographer

  • Timers

  • Starters

  • Age Group Managers


There are also roles that you can perform "off field". These roles are ideal for people with very young children or who have other commitments which make doing weekly event support duties difficult. Training and assistance will be provided where required.


  • Duty Manager

  • Sponsorship & Grants Co-ordinator

  • Social Media Manager

  • Uniform & Merchandise Co-ordinator

  • Trophy Co-ordinator

  • Coaching Co-ordinator

Duty Expectations

Please note due to OHS children are not permitted into the Canteen or behind the BBQ while you are completing a duty. Children who are not competing are also not allowed onto the arena while you are completing a duty.

As a reminder, performing duties is a requirement of membership and failure to attend to a duty may result in your child being unable to compete or may render your child ineligible for points and end of season participation awards.

We look forward to your participation and assistance in ensuring that all our children are able to compete every meet and that all parents get a chance to watch their children compete.

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© 2024 Frankston Little Athletics Centre Inc. 

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