Why Volunteer?
Volunteering is an amazing experience for all involved. With athletics, volunteering allows parents to also get involved in Little Athletics. Volunteering also allows you as a person to develop, grow or use skills that you never knew you had! This benefits not just our club but you as well. Athletes LOVE seeing their parents out on the track at events and could also serve as some extra motativation at events. If you want to meet and get to know others in your local community, volunteering is such a great way to do so meeting new people left, right and centre!
So what are you waiting for? Volunteer today!
The Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteering also gives you the opportunity to try out new skills. You might be interested in leadership or governance but currently are unable to explore. Performing these kinds of roles at a volunteer level gives you an opportunity to try them out and to master them. And it looks great on your CV!

Article: How your child becomes a better athlete when you volunteer
This is a great article on the sometimes unseen benefits of volunteering and how you can model the values that you want to see in your kids. Fear of the unknown can hold us back from joining in but feel reasurred that there are lots of people here at FLAC who will support and help you.