Governance & Policies

There are various policies in place that govern our Centre Constitution.
The Centre Constitution document outlines our Centre’s purpose, lists the rules of operation, and sets out members’ rights and responsibilities.
Frankston Little Athletics Centre Constitution
LAVic Policies and Governance
FLAC is affiliated with LAVic and Little Athletics Australia (LAA) and is governed by policies set by those organisations. We encourage our committee, coaches, volunteers, members and athletes to read and be aware of these. Frankston Little Athletics Centre actively support and promote all LAVic policies which are set by the LAVic Board of Directors. There are many LAVic policies, athletes, parents, spectators and officials need to be aware of, these are (but not limited to):
Codes of Conduct Policy
Child Protection Policy
Child Safe Policy
Working with Children Check Policy
Privacy Policy 2014
Social Media Policy
Extreme Weather Policy
Sun Protection Policy
Smoke free Policy
Responsible Alcohol Management Policy
Competition Uniform and Spike Guidelines
COVID19 Policy
Trial Athlete Policy
For further details refer to the LAVic website